Day 02 : May 27, 2015
Today we covered
HTML & CSS basics, continued
CodePens from class
Third party services
- Sign up for Github Account
- Use your GH account to sign up for CodePen
- The use of ‘fork’, ‘save’, and working ‘open source’
Everyday a bit of written, audio, or video resources will be assigned to review, which will supplement class assignments. Assignments are always due by 8:00am of the following day, unless noted.
Supplemental Resources
- Create a 5 separate CodePens to show in class tomorrow that experiments with the box model after reading Box model. Save the pen to your own accounts, and fork every time you start a new one.
On the first one,
- create a ‘container’ div that is 960px width at maximum and 90% of the screen at any size below that. Make it center, and make sure everything else you add is added INSIDE the ‘container’
- create a div called ‘left-col’ and a div called ‘right-col’ that both have a minimum height of 200px and a width of 50%.
- Float the ‘left-col’ to the left, make the background #9DBA7A.
- Float the ‘right-col’ to the right, make the background #62A265.
- Save pen, and copy the link somewhere else.
Start new pen, by forking the first one.
- after forking, add another div called ‘main’ to the next line and make it’s height the same as the other divs.
- Make the background #2A867B
- Below ‘main’, add another ‘left-col’ and ‘right-col’
- On the next line, add three equally spaced divs called ‘thirds’, with that all float left, with a margin of 2% on both sides of the middle div. Each ‘third’ should be 100px tall and have a background that is #2B3074.
- Save pen, and copy the link somewhere else.
Start new pen, by forking the second one.
- Clear the last ‘third’, so its on the next line, and add one more div with a 2% margin in between the third and a fourth ‘third’.
- Save pen, and copy the link somewhere else.
Fork the third pen, and do the following:
- add another row of thirds, that do not float up onto the next line.
- You should end up with 2 on the first row, two on the second, and three on the third.
- Add another ‘main’ div.
- Save pen, and copy the link somewhere else.
- Fork the fourth pen, and do the following:
- Change all floats to float to the right, and also any clears.
- Save pen, and copy the link somewhere else.
- Send Sam an email with the subject line “Day 02: Homework” with all 5 links listed and numbered.