Day 09 : June 4, 2015
Git review
- Command line
- Making life (git and command line) easier
- Workflow process
- Working on Pull Requests and Issues
- Using for repos
Pull requests, merge conflicts, and collaborating on Github
- Go to the repo you want to fork
- Click fork button (and see page refresh so repo name has your user name before it.)
- go to bottom right and click SSH link
- Copy address above SSH link
- go to “iron_yard” folder in iTerm
- type
git clone
and paste the SSH link you copied, and hit enter
into that repo
- open files and make changes as you want
- go through
git add
, git commit
, and git push origin master
as usual
- back on github, refresh, click on “pull request” on the right side of the repo. This should auto connect your forked repo with it’s original repo. Type in a message and create pull request
Other review
- Vertical-align works well with display inline elements:
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
Everyday a bit of written, audio, or video resources will be assigned to review, which will supplement class assignments. Assignments are always due by 8:59am of the following day, unless noted. Thursday homework is usually due Monday morning, unless noted otherwise.
Supplemental Resources
Done with the required homework and would like more to learn from? TIY has you covered.
- Once you complete the above, try your hand at…